Cancer Registration : Principles and Methods
This volume, which contains 15 authored chapters and four useful appendices, remains a standard reference for those planning to establish new cancer registries and those keen to adopt recognized methodologies. Information is given on the techniques required to collect, store, analyze and interpret data.
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Cancer Epidemiology : Principles and Methods
Chapters include Describing and presenting data, Measures of occurrence of disease and of other health-related events, Overview of study designs, Evaluating the role of chance, Intervention trials, Cohort studies, Case-control studies, Cross-sectional surveys, Routine data-based studies, Introduction to survival analysis, Interpretation of epidemiological studies, How to deal with confounding, Size of a study, Cancer control and prevention, The role of cancer registries, and Planning and conducting epidemiological studies.
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ICD-O-3 : International Classification of Diseases (ICD) for Oncology 3rd Ed
-Subset of ICD 10th revision (ICD-10)
-Specific code set for neoplasms
-Coding system for primary site and cell type
Link download ICD-O-3 1st revision ://

Coding Multiple Tumours
Multiple tumors are defined differently by various registries, and specific solutions to all problems cannot be given here. A working party of IARC recommended definitions of multiple neoplasm for the purpose of incidence reporting for international comparison
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AJCC Cancer Staging Manual – TNM System
The TNM Staging System was developed and is maintained by the AJCC and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). It is the most commonly used staging system by medical professionals around the world. The TNM classification system was developed as a tool for doctors to stage different types of cancer based on certain, standardized criteria. The TNM Staging System is based on the extent of the tumor (T), the extent of spread to the lymph nodes (N), and the presence of metastasis (M).
Link download 7th edition

SEER Summary Staging Manual
Summary staging is the most basic way of categorizing how far a cancer has spread from its point of origin. Summary staging has also been called General Staging, California Staging, and SEER Staging. Summary staging uses all information available in the medical record; in other words, it is a combination of the most precise clinical and pathological documentation of the extent of disease.
Link download SEER 2000
Link download SEER 2018

Planning and Developing PBCR in Low- and Middle Income Settings
Cancer control planning without reliable data from cancer registries is prone to misplaced emphasis and wasted investment. This is exactly the position many countries still find themselves in at the beginning of the 21st century. Particularly in low- and middle-income countries, this situation reflects a lack of advocacy for the value of registries, a lack of trained staff and other resources, and a lack of prioritization for “counting cancers” in among the many demands on limited health care services.
Link download–And-Middle-Income-Settings-2014
Link download Bahasa Indonesia

WHO Classification of Tumours
The WHO Classification of Tumours series are authoritative and concise reference books for the histological and molecular classification of tumours. The series is currently in its fifth edition. Each volume is prepared by a group of internationally recognized experts.
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Pathology of Tumours For Cancer Registry Personnel
The aim of these pages is to explain in simple terms the genesis of these tumours and the techniques used for pathological diagnosis, as well as to provide a basis for understanding terminology.
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Manual for Cancer Registry Personnel
A complete training guide and day-to-day reference for personnel working in population-based cancer registries. Firmly rooted in practical experience, the manual aims to provide all the information needed to help personnel exercise good judgement as well as follow standard procedures of abstracting and coding. Explanations of specific tasks are complemented by numerous reference tables and charts, definitions, exercises, questions and answers, model forms, and examples of typical reports and records. Details range from a flow chart for finding cancer cases in hospitals, through exercises for practice in abstracting and coding, to advice on how to interpret ambiguous terms often used by physicians. The manual, which is presented in the form of a loose-leaf binder, is suitable for use by anyone starting to work in a cancer registry, and most especially for the many who arrive without special training in medicine. Chapters provide general information on the symptoms of cancer, methods of detection, and forms of treatment, and offer a step-by-step guide to the location, collection, extraction, and abstracting of data from all relevant hospital departments, emphasizing procedures of case-finding needed to achieve complete registration. Exercises are included to let readers practice abstracting relevant information from a range of typical hospital reports. Coding is covered in the main chapter, which explains how to convert the diagnosis of cancer into coded form, following the rules developed for ICD-10 and ICD-O. Other chapters cover document management, security and confidentiality, and quality control. The manual concludes with a 90-page course designed to facilitate a thorough understanding of the medical terminology commonly used in cancer centers.
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Cancer Incidence in 5 Continents (CI5)
The main objective of the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) series, published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR), is to present comparable data on cancer incidence for all countries around the world for which high-quality data have been made available by population-based cancer registries. CI5 is an invaluable source of information about the global burden and distribution of cancer and presenting high-quality standardized data for cancers diagnosed during the period.
CI5 Vol XI
CI5 Vol X
CI5 Vol IX

Cancer Survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America
The Agency presents here the second volume in the series, which includes wider geographical coverage and is based on data from 27 registries in 14 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America. The calendar period of registration of incident cases for the present study ranges between 1990 and 2001. Data on 564 606 cases of 1–56 cancer sites from different registries are reported. Data from eleven registries were utilized for eliciting survival trend and seventeen registries for reporting survival by clinical extent of disease. Besides chapters on every registry and general chapters on methodology, database and overview, the availability of online comparative statistics on cancer survival data by participating registries or cancer site in the form of tables or graphs is an added feature.
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